Friday, November 6, 2015

Concept of the learning bracelet

It is well known that children are better able to absorb useful information in an entertaining way. The company Electrolux Design Lab has introduced the concept of learning bracelet HP +. Novelty can with the built-in Pico-projector build on the hand of the child holographic images that will give advice about hygiene and physical exercise will help recognize harmful and healthy food. Setup and management of the gadget will take place through the company’s software in the smartphone. On the project page HP + parents can download new applications with tasks, quests and games for children. To get started, flexible waterproof wristband must be placed on the arm of the child. In operation HP + can project on the hands of a child the funny microbes, if he took the unwashed fruits. This image motivates baby wash their hands,before germs disappear. And with the help of technology absorption spectroscopy bracelet will determine the type of food – healthy food will marked smiling smiles on a child’s hand and add points in his piggy bank. Childrenwith smart bracelets Electrolux HP + will be able to compete with each other to improve their results every day. Thus, in a playful way, many good habits take root.see more photos after the cut

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